
Monday 26 March 2012

Twilight Zombies? NO!!!

I was scanning through some upcoming movies on imdb and I came across Warm Bodies (2013).  What the hey, man?  Is this for real?  Twilight zombies that fall in love and have feelings?

Apparently, the movie is based on a book.  Thus saith the Wikipedia:

"After eating the brains of a suicidal teen, R is overcome with love for the teen's companion, Julie Grigio. R rescues Julie from his zombie pack and takes her back to his lair. She eventually leaves, and R follows her back to Citi Stadium, the largest remaining human refuge."

Zombies have lair's?  Do they have a mortgage and car payments too?  This is just.. ARGHHHHHHHH!!!


  1. DId you watch the movie?? Looks a hell of a lot better then the twilight series

    1. I don't know, vampires are equipped with a functioning brain and have the facility to maybe develop deep emotional connections with others, but ZOMBIES? They're DEAD! There is no rationale (literally!) behind dirty romancin' zombies!! You know, I might watch it when it comes out but only to see how much it will suck because I am telling you now, it is going to suck! Hopefully, it will suck in a good way, like "Snakes On A Plane (2006)" or "Fortress (1992)"..

  2. OR Troll 2? Agreed, this looks horrible..
