
Wednesday 21 March 2012


I've only recently started knitting socks.  Here are a few of them:

First Pair Ever:  Tester Kids Socks

First Pair of Adults Socks:  Made these for my sister.  I messed up the cast off (turned out too tight/ had to reopen stitches), it was painful to say the least!

First Proper Pair of Adults Socks:  Started doing the Sewn Off Bind Off method and it worked like a charm!

A Pair for Mom
A Pair for Dad
Originally intended for me but came out a bit small so it's a fancy pair for sis!
Originally intended for me but came out a tad big but it fits mom like a glove so it's hers'!

A Pair for Me:  Fits just right too!  Hurray!

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