
Sunday 21 October 2012

Oh Ya, Halloween!

I have been wanting to make something cool for my niece and nephew for halloween but I was not sure what, until last night.  I saw a few really neat patterns for treat bags on Ravelry but most of them were not free so I drafted up my own patterns (I will post them on Ravelry if you are interested)!  Now I just have to fill them up with candy and send them off to the kiddies! :)
  • Treat Bag #1:
  • Treat Bag #2:
  • Both Bags:


  1. VERY cute! you are so talented!

  2. many thanks, many thanks! they were VERY last minute and also my first attempt at knitting in colour blocks so it is not that neat of a project (i.e. reason why the pumpkin looks a little squished)! hehe no matter, the kiddies are happy! :)
