
Saturday 8 September 2012

Christmas in September! Ho Ho Ho!

There has been some talk at work about the crafty folks creating some Christmas-related items and selling them for profit/ donations.  Here is my haphazard attempt:

Tiny Christmas Stocking [Ornament/ Gift Applique]
Tiny Christmas Wreath [Ornament/ Gift Applique]
Tiny Christmas Sweater [Ornament/ Gift Applique]
Tiny Poinsettia Flower [Ornament/ Gift Applique]
Tiny Winter Hat and Scarf Set
 Also, I nerded out a bit today and laid out all of my crochet hooks (yikes!):

My Crochet Hook Set


  1. Man O' Man! Christmas is here! I wanna see some halloween stuff!!

  2. But everyday is halloween in the zombie apocalypse! mwahahha! >:D

  3. it's all so pretty! You are so talented. I really like that poinsettia...maybe I can figure out this crocheting thing by next Xmas so I can try to make one!

    1. Oh you will, don't worry. You are picking up crochet really quickly, we'll get to the poinsetta in no time!! :D
