
Sunday 2 September 2012

Celtic Wedding Afghan

So two dear friends recently got married and for their wedding I made a celtic afghan!  I followed the "Lover's Knot" pattern on Raverly with a few deviations:  For the edging, I made 2 rows of double crochet then finished it off with double knotted fringes.  I found that it looked more wedding-y than the four large tassels that the pattern called for.  Here it is:

I will be starting another one veryyyy shortly for a December wedding.  I am thinking of playing with geometrical designs for that one but I am not sure yet!  Definitely love afghans! :)


  1. This is BEAUTIFUL!!! Will you share the pattern???

    1. Thanks so much! Sure can, it's on Ravelry:

      You might have to sign in to Lion Brand to access it but creating an account takes two seconds. Also, if you're not on Ravelry, I HIGHLY recommend it. So many free patterns and they don't send you spam!
