
Sunday 3 June 2012

My Favourites (Pt. 1)

This post will contain some of my favourite movies that I highly recommend!  Mind you, this list is subject to change over time.  Without further ado, here we go:
  • The Princess Bride (1987):  Great movie!  Not your conventional fairytale love story; there is a lot of humour and silliness in this little cornball of a movie.  You will also leave with a lot of fun one-liners and a whole new meaning to the word "inconceivable"!  Truly great movie because it stands the test of time:  I loved it as a kid and I love it as an adult.  I would like to think it crosses gender lines but it could very well be the case that women might enjoy it more.
  • The Man from Earth (2007):  This movie is about a man from Earth (!).  In fact, he has been on Earth for a veeerrryyy long time!  This is an excellent example of a movie with a weak premise can be executed so well owing entirely to a really well-written script.  The movie is purely driven by dialogue; the entire movie is filmed in one location, there is no SFX, no nifty camera work; just a few friends sitting in a room having a chat and being completely enthralled in conversation.  That being said, I hope I did not hype it up too much.  It is a very laid back movie that will not entertain you if you are looking for action, romance or comedy.  It is just a movie looking to intrigue you through dialogue, kind of like a good old fashion symposium!
  • Singles (1992):  Old school, grungey, clever and funny movie!  Lots of big names (Bridget Fonda, Kyra Sedgwick, Matt Dillon, Pearl Jam, Alice in Chains, Tim Burton, Bill Pullman, to name a FEW).  Matt Dillon was so great in this..  I guess it falls into the romantic comedy genre but it really is so much more than that.  It captures the feeling of the 90's so well, it is a bit of a trip back in history.
  • Dirty Work (1998):  Norm MacDonald is easily one of my favourite comedians of all time.  I am a little embarrassed to admit how much I like this movie.  It is PRETTY DUMB.  Artie Lang, Chris Farley, Don Rickles, Adam Sandler, and Chevy Chase are some of the big names in this movie.  So many memorable scenes to look back on fondly!  Ah..  This is NOT an incredible movie by any means, in fact it is quite stupid and half-assed.  The nice thing is that it is one of those movies I can pick up years later and still laugh at, while watching it.
  • Kung Fu Hustle (2004):   Made by Stephen Chow and starring him as well!  I LOVE this movie, so child like and fun, so charming in every way.  The bad guys are the Axe Gang, they dress real nice with their tuxes and top hats.  They also have a cool dance that they do when they are around!  The good guys are not what you would expect.  In plain terms, they are the biggest dorks in the universe.  This is a really funny movie with great visuals.  You will have a blast watching it so long as you are not stubbornly opposed to subtitles.
  • Predator (1987):  One of the greatest movies ever, no doubt.  A Special Ops unit lead by Arnold Schwarzenegger go into a jungle on some sort of a rescue mission then they come across an invisible alien that is trying to kill them!!  Too good, too good..  I really love this movie.  A classic that should not be missed!

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